Web engineer, HR Solution – Budapest
Raspisuje konkurs za radno mesto Web infrastructure engineer for Budapest Job Description: HR Solution is specialized in IT Recruitment, Consultancy and Assessment. Part...
C++ Software Engineer, PSTech – Beograd
PSTech is a software development company from Belgrade, Serbia. We are constantly growing and expanding and our 240+ engineers live and breathe technology every day. PSTech...
Android developer, LEVI9 – Novi Sad
LEVI9 GLOBAL SOURCING (www.levi9.com) offers offshore software application development and maintenance, package implementation, as well as infrastructure maintenance and support, enabling our client to reduce their...
Stručna praksa, Global IT Program – Inostranstvo
Ako si student završne godine ili si nedavno diplomirao, poseduješ znanje o programiranju i razvoju softvera, grafičkom dizajnu i bazama podataka, dobro se služiš engleskim jezikom, i...